For information on how to take this medication, please read the information sheet from the LDN Trust.
Starting Dosage:
The introductory dose is usually 1.5 mg of liquid LDN for the first 2 weeks of treatment, increasing by .5 mg every 2 weeks until the individual finds the dose that suits them best. If there is an increase in symptoms when taking a higher dose, it might indicate that this dose is too high. Lower the dose, and improvements should become apparent. The maximum dose is 4.5 mg.
Continuing Dosage:
With LDN it is not the higher the dosage the better the benefit. It is what
dosage is right for the individual. Some people find a dosage as low as 2 mg
works best for them.
For some reason many men can not tolerate a dose higher than 3 mg as it
makes their symptom worse.
It should be noted that if you wish to titrate (alter) dosages easily, then LDN
liquid is the best option.