We save you time because you can either e-mail or phone us for:
- personal medical advice
- diagnosis
- referrals
- arrangement of investigations
- prescriptions
...saving you a lengthy visit to the doctor !
You can e-mail or phone us if you're...
- busy at work
- stuck at home
- or even when you're abroad
...saving you a lengthy visit to the doctor !
- we offer video consultations via Skype or will refer you to any consultant of your choice
- we give you full copies of your medical notes if requested
- if you request, we will send copies of all consultations to your family doctor. If you DO NOT want this to happen, we will not do so
- We are approved by the Care Quality Commission for
"Treatment for disease, disorder and injury" and "Transport services, triage and medical advice
provided remotely". Our registration number is CRT1-179645951.
...saving you a lengthy visit to the doctor!
because we are web-based we keep our costs low.
- you can join for £20.00 and then pay just £15.00 after each completed "Consultation" to your satisfaction.
- you can use us if you just need a second opinion
- you can contact us whenever you want